
进入“墙后(Behind the Wall)”展览的展厅,首先映入眼帘的是墙体刷成明黄色的六菱形亭阁,探身而入,视线便与拱形门廊框定的黑人肖像四目相对。这是一位有着如同埃贡·席勒(Egon Schiele)画作般模糊面孔的男子,身着花衣,侧身但正面注视着对位的来者。环顾而视,左右墙壁上各自悬挂着更大尺幅的肖像,一幅是优雅的身着红绿波点花纹的披肩发黑人女士,另一幅,画中身着白T的黑人青年身体前倾,表露出与人交谈的兴致。

News | Su Yu-Xin has been selected as the artist-in-residence for the Shanghai Space of the Longlati Foundation for the 2021-22 term.

The Longlati Foundation is pleased to announce that Su Yu-Xin (born in 1991) has been selected as the artist-in-residence for the 2021-22 term. She will establish a professional studio in the new space provided by the Longlati Foundation in the Bund area of Shanghai, where she will engage in a one-year exploration of color and…